Sunday, August 31, 2008

Who went to church today?

House 1:

Wayne and Kamilah Norton
5142 Winter Court

Wayne and Kamilah were up late last night and neither of them felt like getting out of the bed this morning. The alarm clock rang at 6AM but Wayne pressed off (not snooze). Kamilah was awakened by the sunlight and realized it was 7AM. the popped Wayne on the back and said, "look at what time it is! We were supposed to be getting ready to pack the car by now!!"

"Kam, I was just to tired. I looked over at you and I knew you were too. Let's just sleep in today."

"No we will not, I am set to volunteer in Rob's class this morning and I'm supposed to be lead teacher. They will be so upset with me. Not to mention disappointed."

"It'll be okay, let's just hop up now. We can make it."

Wayne and Kamilah both jumped out of bed. Kamilah showered while Wayne got the kids up, gave a couple of spankings because one of them was talking back and the other hadn't cleaned up his room before bed like Wayne had told him. After Kamilah's shower she laid out the kids clothes, got them in an out of the tub and dressed. She had always heard that she should have that done on Saturday night but after all her efforts to get it organized, that still hadn't happened consistently.

They arrived at New Fireside Church, just before praise and worship began. Checked the kids in and Kamilah walked over to Rob's class. After taking a few deep breaths in and out, she poised her self, put on a smile, walked in and greeted the children. Jennifer, the assistant, rolled her eyes as Kamilah walked in, stepped over a heap of tows and said "Boys and girls let's all say good morning Ms. Kamilah!"

They all chanted, "Good morning Ms. Kamilah!"

House 2:

Mauree Dobbs
5152 Autumn Trail

Mauree woke up early this morning, read through her women's devotional for today - Sunday, August 30 - Prized Posession was the title of the devotional. After her reading, she prayed, wrote in her journal, and went about her day getting ready for church. Mauree had faithfully attended Community Lighthouse Church since she was an infant and was now the Director of the Outreach Ministry, there. She arrived in the parking lot at 7:05, just before the doors would be opened. Since the beginning of the year, Mauree had kept her commitment to participate in prayer each Sunday before service began. She felt very good about that.

House 3:

Mr. Benson
5143 Spring Lane

Isaac Benson popped on his headphones, cranked up his music, and walked out side smiling and whistling, bobbing his head to the beat. He let the garage up and proceeded to get his lawn mower and other lawn tools out.

Every Sunday morning for as long as he remembered, if he wasn't fishing, Isaac Benson cut and manicured his lawn. Many of the neighbors waved at him as they drove by on Sunday mornings, but others turned their noses at him and made crude remarks about where they thought he should be instead.

House 4:

Mr. & Mrs. Yates
5143 Winter Court

Connie Yates rolled out of bed at 10am. Her husband, Johnny had been up a few hours already, reading the newspaper, drinking coffee and straightening around the house.

"Good morning sweetheart. You wanna go up to the Hill today?"

The Hill Johnny spoke of was Hillside House of God where his uncle was the Pastor. All of his family were members there and had joined when Uncle Will took over the church 10 years ago.

"No, honey, I'm just not feeling up to it I didn't do my hair this weekend and I don't have anything ready to wear. By the time I try to get all that together Will'll be into the sermon when we walk in. Plus I'm just not feeling well. This back of mine neck of mine is just so sore. And the therapy doesn't seem to be helping one bit. I was up twice in the middle of the night taking more pain medicine and changing the ice pack."

"Ok sweetie, no problem. Don't worry about it. You're going to get through this. We're going to get through it together. I'll go by Will's later on today and ask him what he preached about.

I made breakfast for you. I'll be right back with it. You just hold tight!"

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